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Adilstone Answers: Will AI Take Away My Job?

Adilstone Answers: I’ve dedicated years to my profession and worry that AI might render my skills obsolete. Will AI take away my job?

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The Importance of Organizational Culture: Cultivating a Culture That Attracts and Retains Top Talent

In this article, we will explore the importance of organizational culture and provide a guide for cultivating a culture that attracts and retains transformational talent for years to come.

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Why Does it Feel Like Everyone Is Hiring But No One Is Hiring?

Have you ever looked for a job, only to realize that one of the common problems you may run into, is that there are so many jobs out there, yet not a single employer seems like they want to hire you. It kind of makes you think, is it me? Am I the problem? Am I not qualified enough? Why is no one reaching out? What’s taking so long? If you have ever asked yourself any of those questions...

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The 9-Step Business Model Canvas: A Tool for Business Analysis

“Do you have one simple picture that captures your overall strategy, a picture that every manager understands and that puts everyone on the same page?” That’s the question that W. Chan Kim and Ren­ée Mauborgne ask in the opening of their section on understanding where your business is in the present in their book Blue Ocean Shift: Proven Steps to Inspire Confiden...

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Ten Popular Digital Marketing Jobs In 2024

As we are developing more and more through this digital age, marketing has shifted and evolved from traditional methods to more modern ones. With the tools and access we have to technology, there are endless possibilities for our creativity to be infused into all areas of marketing. When we implement these techniques, it can bring greater convenience, more specialization, and an increase in ret...

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Lifelong Learning: Upskilling, Reskilling, and Retraining in the Age of Automation

In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and the ever-growing presence of automation, continuous learning has taken on an even more significant role. The job market is transforming at an unprecedented pace, and the key to thriving in this landscape lies in adapting and staying ahead through continuous learning. Maintaining high skills and developing new skills, particularly i...

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Why Learning a Foreign Language is Beneficial for Working Abroad

Have you ever thought of the possibility of advancing your career to another part of the world? If this is you, one of the most instrumental things you can do, starting even now, is to consider learning a new language. Supposing that working abroad and traveling for long periods is something you foresee yourself doing in the future, there is something to gain from bringing awareness and educati...

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Adilstone Answers: How Does the Gig Economy Affect Recruitment?

Also read about how the gig economy can impact recruitment in this edition's column "Adilstone Answers. Read more and subscribe for future insights!

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Digital Nomad Visa vs. Work Visa: What's the Difference?

When considering the option of working abroad, it's essential to understand the distinction between a traditional work visa and a digital nomad visa. These two types of visas serve different purposes and cater to varying needs for remote workers and freelancers. Let's delve into the key differences: Work Visa: Work visas are typically sponsored by employers, requiring individu...

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