Mastering Leadership in a Global Context

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Mastering Leadership in a Global Context: Perspectives from Jeremy Thiessen

Adilstone Group is honored to have strong and passionate leaders at the helm of our enterprise, and one of those leaders is our Head of Office in Vietnam, Jeremy Thiessen. Jeremy has been the head of the Vietnam office and team since its inception in 2019 and has overseen the office's growth and development as Adilstone Group continues to explore interests in SE Asia. Jeremy has lived in Southeast Asia for over seven years and currently lives in Hanoi with his wife and two young boys. 

Jeremy is the Vice President for East Asia for Adilstone Group and oversees the team in Vietnam as they work on recruiting and talent acquisition. The Vietnam team has worked with local clients such as Family Medical Practice, Vinmec, Cornerstone Solutions, and Code Engine Studios. 

One may wonder how a young North American man would find himself spending so much time living and working in various countries, having spent over 15 years living all over the world including countries like the United Kingdom and Myanmar. Jeremy describes himself as someone who has always been willing to explore new things and do new things; not just talk about them. 

“I was always quite different. I'm a really big risk taker in many different ways. Sometimes not always approved by my wife and I think I've calmed down quite a bit since marriage, but I think I've always been willing to explore new things and actually do things not just talk about them. I'm an actual activist. I like to see action points and actually do things.” -Jeremy Thiessen

Jeremy stated that while he wouldn’t consider himself a brazen leader, he often found himself in leadership roles and felt that it became a natural place for him. He works with people who may understand certain aspects of business and operations more than he does, but what he has discovered through leadership in the last four years is that it has a lot to do with reading people well and getting them to a place where they can thrive.

“Leadership is more trying to fit people with their strengths into a place and rather than just doing the puzzle but fit people into the right spaces that work.” -Jeremy Thiessen

Clear communication is the key for everything

In the realm of effective leadership, one fundamental principle stands tall: clear communication. It's a cornerstone that continues to be refined over time. Jeremy pointed out the significance of adept communication within an internal team, particularly in the context of a global recruiting agency. Group communication takes center stage, requiring a keen understanding of teammates' waking hours and availability across different time zones. This need to be alert and attuned to these temporal differences underpins the challenges of international collaboration. Having spent a significant portion of his life in Southeast Asia, spanning 15 years, Jeremy carries an ingrained familiarity with diverse time differentials. This life experience has instilled a clarity-focused approach when interacting with individuals from various corners of the world. Indeed, the journey of leadership underscores the unwavering importance of transparent and culturally sensitive communication in achieving collective success.

Nurturing unity and shared purpose

Nurturing a sense of unity and shared purpose within a team is undoubtedly a multifaceted challenge, as underscored by Jeremy’s insights. He candidly acknowledged the existence of distinct goals among team members, indicating that the journey toward cohesion is ongoing. Collaborative efforts across diverse teams were pinpointed as a potential catalyst for forging connections. This cross-pollination of ideas not only offers a platform for teams to harmonize but also presents valuable opportunities for collective growth. Jeremy stressed the effectiveness of in-person interactions, team retreats, and collaborative endeavors in fostering a profound team dynamic. 

“It would be helpful for different teams to collaborate together because it will give opportunities for teams to gel.” -Jeremy Thiessen

The sentiment that three days of shared experiences can surpass years of virtual interactions resonates strongly, illuminating the vital role that physical togetherness plays in establishing a united atmosphere within a global context. The quest to achieve a unified and purpose-driven team continues to be an evolving process, where individual personalities have the chance to shine through and contribute to the collective journey. In a world where there is heavy debate about the true effectiveness of remote work and teams, it is important to remember that the overall goal of fostering unity and purpose through collaborative efforts remains a priority. 

Embodying servant leadership

Embodying the essence of servant leadership is a core principle that resonates strongly in the realm of recruitment. In the context of clients and candidates, the commitment to unwavering availability stands as a testament to this leadership approach. For example, acknowledging the nonstop nature of healthcare, where priorities persist around the clock, Jeremy illuminated the essence of putting clients first. A remarkable emphasis was placed on flexibility—a cornerstone of servant leadership. This adaptability is key to the overarching ethos of service. Jeremy also outlined a strategic pursuit of top talent, revealing a nuanced dance between outreach, relationship building, and vigilant communication. Yet, the quest for excellence doesn't stop at outreach; it extends to deciphering client needs beyond the surface, often transcending job descriptions. The pursuit of top talent, requiring proactive searching, was aptly compared to hunting—a metaphor capturing the essence of dedication and strategic effort. 

Jeremy also emphasized the importance of creative solutions, such as where unconventional avenues like newspaper ads were embraced. Flexibility, creativity, and adaptability emerged as central tenets of this approach, acknowledging that while best practices can guide, each unique search demands a tailor-made strategy. In the dynamic landscape of recruitment, servant leadership thrives as a compass guiding a team's dedication to clients, candidates, and the pursuit of excellence.

Building trust amid conflict resolution

Building and maintaining trust within a team while navigating conflicts emerges as a quintessential facet of leadership. Jeremy's candid acknowledgment of his inclination towards conflict aversion underscores a continuous learning journey, wherein conflict resolution takes a front seat. The emphasis on equitable hearing and open communication emerges as a cornerstone for addressing disputes. The potential dangers of unresolved conflicts, festering into resentment, is underscored—sometimes even over trivial matters. A preference for directness is woven into his leadership philosophy, recognizing its pivotal role in clearing the air and charting a collective path forward. The recurring theme of managing expectations as a preventive measure against conflict resonates, unveiling its potential to curb misunderstandings. The sentiment of sitting together, hearing both perspectives, and working through disputes maturely encapsulates the commitment to resolving issues like responsible adults. 

“You build trust through honesty and treating ppl the same; no matter who the teammate is and their role, I try to treat everyone with respect and treat them well and respect their ideas and space and follow through with what you say.” -Jeremy Thiessen

Jeremy's approach to self-involvement in conflict situations, characterized by active listening and openness, offers a profound lesson in humility. The symbiotic aspect of conflict resolution is accentuated—the value lies in the potential for mutual learning, rendering bitterness obsolete. Trust, a precious commodity, is built on a foundation of consistent integrity and equitable treatment, irrespective of roles. The commitment to respect, follow-through, and the equitable treatment of all members reverberates as the bedrock of trustworthiness. Ultimately, these insights reflect that trust flourishes through sincerity, consistent actions, and a steadfast openness akin to the trustworthy individuals in our lives.

Jeremy's story is a testament to the power of exploring, embracing new challenges, and taking purposeful action. His journey combined with his passion for nurturing unity and shared purpose, embodies the very essence of leadership. Through this lens, we glimpse the vital role of in-person interactions and collaborative efforts in fostering unity, even in a global setting. His embodiment of servant leadership, encompassing flexibility, creativity, and a dedication to clients and candidates alike, helps to provide a compass for Adilstone Group's journey. The art of conflict resolution is a delicate balance of listening, learning, and teaching, all underpinned by trust. Trust, the bedrock of any successful endeavor, is built through honesty, equitable treatment, and consistent follow-through—a testament to Jeremy's unwavering commitment. As Adilstone Group continues its ventures in Southeast Asia and beyond, this kind of leadership philosophy lights the way with its wisdom, compassion, and profound understanding of what it truly means to lead.

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