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Four Critical Factors to consider before taking a job overseas

More than in perhaps any other industry, banking can provide life-changing career opportunities overseas that may simply not be available in a person’s home country. Philip Southwell, chief executive of Dubai-based investment bank Exotix, worked in London, Hong Kong, Sydney and Tokyo before moving to the Middle East. He credits his willingness to relocate as part of his own success.

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10 Unconventional (but very effective) tips for a job seeker

10 Unorthodox, yet effective, tips for a job seeker as laid out by numerous business leaders as well as their insight into each method. Author Jacquelyn Smith covers how with the ever shifting marketplace a need for new and improved manners of being hired are a key aspect for success.

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8 Tips for a Smooth Transition into a New Job

Finding your groove after landing a new position can be challenging. You've been granted a new and exciting opportunity to showcase your skills and experience, generate beneficial solutions, and navigate a new company. But getting there takes a bit more time than you'd expect. Don't sweat the small stuff - keep in mind your first 90 days are usually a transitional period for find...

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7 Unexpected Challenges of Working Overseas

With all the visa requirements, moving logistics, and endless paperwork, the details of the workplace are probably the last thing on your mind while researching life-changing job opportunities abroad, but working in a new culture can bring all kinds of pros, cons, and just quirky challenges of working overseas that you will have to get used to. Read on for a quick look at some surprising detail...

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Taking a job overseas is challenging, but so rewarding

According to the U.S. Committee on Economic Development, “80 percent of U.S. executives believe their companies would operate better if more internationally cultured employees were present.” American companies need people that have the ability to adapt to different cultures, languages and countries if they intend to sell their products internationally. Companies are willing to pa...

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11 Tips to get you employed

Many people now find themselves looking for employment. It is not easy. The job market is highly competitive with many applicants for each vacancy. How can you maximize your chances of getting a being employed? Try this 11 point plan.

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How to your new job in the first 90 days

When you’re in transition, your role is likely to shift —whether it means tackling new job responsibilities, working in a different environment or reporting to a new boss. Sometimes it can even be all of the above! Regardless of your particular situation, it’s a crucial time. In fact, Watkins argues that impressing your manager and colleagues within the first 90 days is not...

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15 things you need to know about working abroad

Having worked for a global company, I’m no stranger to watching friends take overseas roles. While working abroad isn’t in the cards for me anytime soon, you can bet that I live vicariously through their Instagram accounts. Are you interested in joining them and taking an international job? I’ve sought out what you must know from people across various industries who have wo...

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The Three C's to Getting Any Job

There are three Cs to getting the kind of job you want and earning the kind of money you want to earn. These three Cs basically remain constant throughout your working career. They are contacts, credibility, and competence.

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How to change careers - and kill it at your new job

Three years ago, I decided to ‘take a leap’ of faith: I said goodbye to my career in media and advertising and said hello to a new world of executive recruiting. I celebrated my work anniversary by posting a reflection of my accomplishments over the last few years on Linkedin. My post went viral with over 5.5 million views and now 50,000 people want to know how I did it. Instead I&r...

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